Wednesday, Feb 25th - 5:00-6:00

Host: Bob McCown
Co-host: Jim Kelley
Guests: Jarrett Bell from USA Today, Jeff Blair from the Toronto Star
Very interesting point by Kelley, regarding Ovechkins all star game antics being aimed squarely at Crosby. He said the entire gettup by Ovechkin was designed to irk Crosby and it all boiled over on Sun afternoon. I totally see that now - great call by Kelley...take a look at the video at the bottom of the post...looks close, eh?

'The NHL has come to the realization the Ovechkin is the best player in the NHL, and if not, then Malkin is...Ovechkin has something Sydney does not, a personality." - McCown firing on all cylinders here this aft.

Next topic, NFL columbines (sp) with Jarrett Bell from USA Today. An old take from the gang on how brutally dry watching the NFL columbines are. Bobcats idea for an NFL style olympics where all running backs run the 100m against each other got a rise from Bell saying, "you guys are ahead of your time.". Goodell takes a paycut, and although he didn't say it, you could hear McCown wanting to rip into Bettman for not doing the same.

Jeff Blair next up to talk about the Jays (after McCowns diatribe about guests coming on, on cell phones - probably his biggest pet peeve). A-Roid in Florida for spring training with fans throwing their walkers at him. "The longer he talks, the dumber he sounds." - great point by Blair.

One thing I'd like to know is what Ken Griffey thinks out all of this...was he ever tempted? What did he know? (Assuming he never used steroids - can we even make that assumption?)

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